The screeching of the frog-iguana things made stealth something of a problem for both sides as they peered into the fog, hoping for a glimpse of a target. Somewhere in the swamp three beings were attempting to stalk the intrepid adventurers.
The three beings were in fact Otto and the two Lizardman defectors from camp, and unfortunately for them they were overly-eager to engage the adventurers in combat.
A brisk battle ensued with the brave adventurers firing speculatively and Otto rushing in to do his worst. A brief exchchange of hostilities and the Lizardmen hostiles were dead and Otto taken prisoner. Burke then used all his powers of persuation to cow Otto and extract the exact details of his dealings with Echte and his bank. Otto himself was allowed his freedom on the grounds that he clearly was a tool of Echte and knew nothing of the Brotherhood.
During this time the adventurers decided that Echte was non other than Coeus, and probably bankrolling The Brotherhood of Luxor. They determined to meet with Echte on heir return to Venusstadt, which was acheived with no further misadventures.
The team confronted Echte at the bank. He laughed off their accusations, then launched into a boastful monologue before activating a hidden switch. In a trice Echte dissappeared through a secret trap door in the floor, and secret side entrances to the office open revealing a gang of German heavies, all bearing Brootherhood tattoos.
Another desparate battle ensued with the adventurers getting rather the worse of things before the tide turned and they were able to escape into the secret passages and thence to the Venusstadt sewers. Evading the pursuing gang they emerged from a grating at the city wall, where they regrouped and made plans.
First stop would have to be their hotel and a quick bath and change of clothes. After days in the Venusian swamp and hours in the Venusstadt sewers they all felt the need to scrub the stink of Venus off themselves.