Thursday, July 6, 2023

Interlude: Bennies, Conviction and Power Points

Some new SWADE rules need clarifying with respect to Space 1889, since we are using the SW Deluxe view of Weird science devices1.

Spending Bennies to alter the way Weird Science Devices (WSD) work is a new SWADE conceit, so it does not autoatcally port well into the SWD world. It is hoped that this Interlude article will help clarify matters.

Spending Extra Power Points
Powers encapsulated within WSD may be modified by spending power points as described in SWADE, unless the GM says otherwise.

Spending Bennies
Spending Bennies for soaking, re-rolling, un-shaking work as in SWADE.

Spending Bennies to put a feature or situation into the scene is at GM discretion.

Spending Bennies to refresh power points will refresh them on a per device basis. That is to say, one Benny will refresh one device's power points by 5 power points up to that device's current maximum allowable. Unless the "Power Points" edge has been taken, that will be 15 points.

The Power Point Edge
When the Power Points edge is taken it affects all SWD. This avoids tedious paperwork and makes for more engagement by Weird Scientists. I want Weird Scientist players to be able to amaze and terrify the enemy. They can't do that if they are starved for power points.2.

Conviction will be granted if a Joker is drawn by a player. A player may hold only one conviction token and it is surrendered at the game session's end, though it can be transferred should the player's current PC die or be otherwise replaced by another. Conviction can be spent to grant a D6 bonus to all trait rolls made by a player for a full combat turn. By spending a Benny, the effect can be carried over into the following combat round, and again for as long as the player wishes to continue spending Bennies. The D6 bonus can be "Bennied" as it is a trait roll.

  1. That they have the player's allocation of power points in each device rather than sharing the allocation between them
  2. Besides, the Bad Eggs have Weird Science too

Monday, July 3, 2023

Interlude: The Lay of The Land

Interlude: Casualty Figures for Fort McMurray Garrison as of Episode 50

Casualty Lists

Undercroft Exploration Sortie #1

Ephraim Burgess, 55810784, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Loyal (Missing in Action)
Squire Stuart, 55843707, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Richard Shaw, 55883645, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased

Lost Patrol

Lieutenant Keylokukrokloes (Deceased)

Klaekluela, 55828770, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Kraanlollua, 55551042, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Pedaishruyeok, 55888552, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Waipik, 55073260, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Wuoyoutais, 55431478, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased

Shastapsh Incursion Incident Circa Dec 27th 1891

Lieutenant Baker (Deceased)

Solomon Martin, 55007581, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased

Lieutenant Ph’sback (Deceased)

Naubi, 55434338, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)
Praemrujelik, 55634255, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)
Wekoishasa, 55640450, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)

Sortie in force to recover Miss Carter-Lloyd (circa Dec 28th 1891)

Search party 1, Forsyth commanding:

Hill Tribe ambush

Arthur Harris, 55524767, L.Cpl, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Samson Arkwright, 55880332, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison (Wounded, returned to duty)

Woshoakeloo, 55870673, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)

Search party 2, Phipps commanding:

Hill Tribe ambush

Griffith Boleyn, 55850450, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
Alfred Harris, 55542675, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased

Fort McMurray Garrison Sabotage Bombing of January 12th 1891:

55264651, Alexander Armstrong, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55566556, Allan Royce, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55148430, Alexander Harrison, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55106468, Lionel Morgan, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55153244, Job Edwards, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55572482, Cuthbert Roberts, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55486871, Ambrose Forsyth, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55446520, Oscar Davies, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55747600, Dennis Roberts, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55131002, Moses Thomas, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55454817, Richard Cooper, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased
55532617, Squire Lowry, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Deceased

55115761 Rriodriahik, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted
55167035 Poekatlaa, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted
55256334 Wishukeloo, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted
55287660 Koovrou, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted
55570768 Paaploi, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted
55711512 Woatafoe, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, Missing Presumed Deserted

Other actions:

Klikriihres, 55534838, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)
Kokouhiak, 55350214, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)
Wisheutorio, 55303836, Pvt, Fort McMurray Garrison, (Deceased)

Captain Forsyth: A Letter

Captain Forsyth, Fort McMurray, January

My Dear Brother,

I just hope this reaches you as we are beset and I fear an attack on the fort in force soon.

Never-the-less I trust you and the family are well and what-ever assails I am sure we will meet with fortitude. The men are holding up remarkably well.

McMurray is now under almost constant attack from the air. War kites of the Martian kind are flying over by night and dropping incendiary devices. So far, we’ve held up pretty well, but the last damaged our mooring tower and post, damaged some buildings and most dreadfully accounted for two of my men.

I’ve despatched riders in the hope of getting messages back to the city, one way or another.

I believe an attack is being prepared, the air raids I feel are to prepare a breach, in order that the fort can be taken.

Meanwhile we are running low on supplies. I’ve had to cut rations, which is the most regrettable thing.

There’s been some fighting out on the plane, according to reports, but on patrol I could find no evidence.

Hopefully these abdominal fellows are fighting amongst themselves.

A badly worn party turned up. It was Moerus Lacus irregulars. They’d done rather well, captured some munitions.

I deduced these were rockets of some kind.

But the details eluded me.

I commended the officer for his initiative. Indeed, he does know not it but one of the dispatches he now carries that recommendation.

We have been exploring the under croft a little more.

I have to be careful about this as it takes me away from the position of command and that is my primary responsibility.

However, my curiosity is piqued. Besides the idea of a of a potentially hidden entrance into the fort is something I feel must be investigated. Together with Phipps and Hartwell, I have been exploring the tunnels as time has allowed.

One tunnel which we had started down before ended with a cave in. The odd thing was the rock that blocked the tunnel was different to that of the material it was constructed from.

The next tunnel was most disturbing. Dr. Phipps, stalwart fellow that he is, refused to enter! If I didn’t know the man as one of courage, I’d I’ve said he was cowering, muttering about ‘certain death’.

Hartwell and I entered. A strange effect occurred, the radius of light from our lamps diminished as we progressed, until in no time we were in near darkness. Indeed, I knew Hartwell to be just feet from me, but I couldn't see him and neither could I hear him.

I now couldn’t see the exit. I shouted to Jones to sing, like most Welshmen he has a fine voice and it would give me a bearing. But he couldn’t hear me.

Now I heard heavy breathing, like an adversary was bearing down on me. I held my nerve as you would expect, turned about and headed for where I believed the exit would be.

I bumped into Hartwell and we were able to head for the exit together. The light increased as we moved towards the exit, which confirmed to me we were going in the right direction.

The breathing was still pursuing us, Hartwell was experiencing it to.

But we didn’t panic and made it out of this tunnel.

Blocked in all other directions, there was only really one tunnel left to explore.

This ended in a strange well. Investigations led to us to conclude that gravity was not operating properly within this well. Indeed, we eventually concluded that there was no gravity at all!

I concluded that we had been underground long enough.

It was days before we got below again.

With the air raids, we had plenty to deal with above ground.

Meanwhile the irregulars had recovered and their Lieutenant requested permission to return to the city with despatches. I would have dearly liked to keep them on the strength and could have used such a resourceful officer.

But getting the information back to Empire seemed more important. I considered whether they had sufficient strength and even if I should reinforce them, even at the cost of depleting the garrison. However, I judged them a hard, experienced unit, extremely well led and extra unfamiliar numbers might prove as much as a hindrance as a boon.

Likewise, I considered retaining a few men for the defence of the fort. But that would weaken their party. The previous riders I’d sent might rely on an element of luck. I feel that this party has a genuine chance to get through.

I neglected to tell you them how they came to be at the fort. The Steppe Tiger, our supply ship hasn’t reported for week. It was last seen in a conflict heading towards the canal. This patrol was sent to see what they could find.

They found nothing regarding the Steppe Tiger, but did see munitions being transported via barges.

They managed to overpower one crew and seize the contents. But they realised they were confronting trained troops not sailors. It appears that Shapstash has amassed marines on the canal.

This fits with my earlier intelligence that they are preparing an attack.

The strange weapons they had captured, I cannot not underestimate their achievement, not only in capturing these weapons but realising they could not get them to city headed overland to the fort.

I believed these strange tubular things are rockets. There were 6 of them.

We took one well away from the fort. If my estimate was correct then this would be possibly the biggest ‘shell’ imaginable.

I’d concluded that the cord attached to the back was a pull cord. An astonishing 60’ long, which I thought excessive, the only thing I could conclude was that was the calculated safety distance.

There was an odd paper wrapping, which was covering 4 evenly spaced features, which I’ve yet to determine the nature of. I do wonder if it’s somehow concerned with controlling the trajectory.

The ‘test fire’ was somewhat mixed. A tug on the lanyard pulled a pin out but nothing happened.

In all good conscious I couldn’t ask anyone else to do this. Besides I’m the only one with knowledge in this field.

The pin was rough and I concluded that it was designed to pull against another rough surface to create a spark. The spark would obviously ignite the contents.

Most carefully I reinserted the pin.

Then the world went dark.

Phipps tells me I was thrown a good 9 feet as the thing ignited. I remember nothing, other than I thought I was going to meet my maker.

Although highly effective, I do not recommend this as a way to shave or get a haircut.

I was rather stunned and Jones will have a time cleaning my uniform.

Worse, while I was correct it that it was a rocket, it was rather erratic in its flight.

If memory serves me correctly, we had better than this after the Napoleonic wars.

At this point I must apologise, I’ve rather neglected writing to you as events have been a trifle demanding. I will therefore give a summary of things, which might not be in the correct order.

I must start with the most remarkable finds in the under croft. One has to see the reality of this to truly appreciate the scale and sophistication of the ancient technology contained down there. This a treasure trove beyond belief. I will write again on the wonders we have uncovered to date, I just hope we can we defend these finds.

You will probably read of the destruction and loss of Fort Elgin. It seems they were undermined by a giant explosion, I have a first-hand report from a ship flying over but was out of the fort on recognisance at the time, so the report was relayed to me.

Explosions have been experienced some 3 to 5 miles from the fort. Investigations found a huge cater. I am still calculating the forces involved from the size of the crater and how far debris was thrown, but doubt there are many or any larger!

There is a substantial amount of metal down in the crater. We found a German hallmark on the most substantial piece the scale of which is stupendous in scale and manufacture. Truly impressive.

What this is doing here and what its purpose is, I can only speculate. My worse fear is that Germans have developed an automated mining technology which they are supplying to Slapstash. I am already certain that they are supplying other arms and means to this hostile power. To be frank, they are conducting war by proxy.

Being out of contact, I am not sure what the official status is with Stapstash, but here on the frontier I have no doubt it’s open warfare.

I lost another 2 men investigating the crater to yet another Martian hill tribe ambush. While we saw these off, killing 16 out of 20 of their combatants, it’s rather tedious. I’d have rather hoped they would have learnt the lesson by now and responded to our overtures. They must see which side is superior by now!

Count Overbearing turned up again. All smiles as he offered our recce party a lift from the crater site in the face of an advancing enemy party. I declined as I wasn’t about to leave the mounts behind. His Zeppelin had come from the direction of Slapcrash, just more evidence of the obvious co-operation.

The enemy are busy at the crater site. Their fires indicate their numbers equal roughly those at the fort. I believe the enemy suffered a major setback with the explosion. My speculation is that the what-ever equipment was employed was of powerful mining nature intended to create a tunnel below the fort. Thereafter a mine could be detonated destroying the whole.

My suspicion is this what happened to Fort Elgin.

The explosive forces involved would be consistent with the kind of power needed to drive through a sub-terranean mine.

It’s a difficult decision, on the one hand we should hinder or prevent the recovery of a key component from the crater site. But on the other we may discover a solution in the amazing tunnels below.

Command is ever a difficult call, but thankfully I have my fellows, Wilhelm, Hartwell and Phipps, with whom I may consult as equals.

Long live Her Majesty!

Your brother,


Episode 50: While The Cat's Away, The Mice Will Play

The morning began with Forsyth, Hartwell and Wilhelm discussing options for assaulting the presumed Shastapsh force working at the crater left by the explosion, in what was assumed to be some sort of salvage operation.

Wilhelm expressed a desire to examine the rockets that were brought in recently1 so everyone trooped into the armory for another look, where they discovered the rockets under the armourer's usual drapings of oily rags (which had begun to affect the paper rings wrapped around the cylindrical bodies). After some back-and-forth between the heroes, they decided not to experiment further with the strange devices.

Forsyth and Wilhelm were thinking that by using some of the liftwood salvaged from the Kite crash2 they could form a raft from which a large barrel of black powder could be suspended. This might be somehow 'flown' over the crater, then made to descend and explode, hopefully dealing the Shastapsh force a crushing blow.

Wilhelm thought that he might be able to cobble together a serviceable timer-controlled detonator for this contraption from materials to hand at the fort, and got to work. Forsyth decided to break out his engineering skills and solve the problem of the liftwood raft - which proved a thornier problem than anticipated and took him all day to make.

While working at these two problems, there was another overflight and bombing run by a kite in the pay of Shastapsh, but the quality of this attack was very poor and only two bombs fell, one a dud and one hitting the graveyard.

Forsyth, Hartwell and Wilhelm set out for the crater after dark, towing the barrel - ballasted to float about a foot off the ground - behind them. Luck was with the heroes, and they managed to arrive at the crater rim without being molested by Steppe Tribes or Shastapsh outriders. Careful scrutiny enabled them to make a stealthy approach to the crater rim at some distance from the posted sentries.

They say no plan survives contact with the enemy. It turned out that the workforce was abed for the night, with only two lone guards in the pit, standing watch over the newly-dug entrance to some sort of mine. A new plan was discussed in which Wilhelm would use his marvelous teleporter to move the barrel into the mine, where it could damage whatever was being dug up and collapse the diggings.

The team waited until the unwary sentinels were warming themselves in front of a burning brazier, then shot them using their captured 'Silent Winchesters', but unfortunately, Wilhelm's shot went wild and ricocheted loudly off the crater wall, raising the alarm in the camp and alerting the sentries on the rim that something was afoot.

Wilhelm quickly teleported into the mine with the barrel, the departure and arrival being announced by loud crackling, bright green ball lightning of great size3 and a loud 'snap'. This clued the sentries first into where the team were, but then where Wilhelm had arrived, prompting them to hurriedly descend into the crater with a a view to apprehending whoever was now in their mine.

Hartwell and Forsyth took this opportunity to start shooting at the guards, though distance and darkness made the task very difficult.

Wilhelm, lit his hand lantern and began to pull the barrel deeper into the digging, but tripped on some metal wreckage, which was so fascinating he temporarily forgot where he was and under what circumstances, and began exploring the wreckage instead of arming the bomb!

The arrival of a couple of the guards inside the tunnel brought him back to the reality of his situation and he set the timer then teleported out to a spot some distance behind Hartwell's and Forsyth's last known position. Forsyth and Hartwell were unaware of this as their attention had been drawn by the take-off of a kite that set off in their direction and began dropping very bright flares that seemed to hang in the air.

Realizing they were about to be hoist on their own petard, Forsyth and Hartwell made haste to return to Wilhelm, who then teleported them back into the courtyard of Fort McMurray, and a scene of dreadful carnage, with dead bodies strewn about the place and fires burning in a number of buildings. The loud detonation of their own infernal device off in the distance was rather lost in the hullabaloo.

Pandemonium briefly reigned, but the NCOs were able to make sense of the chaos and had the fires brought under control, then put out, and the bodies decently covered, while a report was made to Forsyth. It seems a bomb had been detonated in the courtyard, and at the same time several incendiary devices had been set off in key locations around the fort. 12 human soldiers were dead, horribly mutilated by a deadly hail of shrapnel improvised from nails. Six Martian soldiers were missing. These Martians were described by some of the men as keeping to themselves and of being a sort of clique, and Forsyth had them posted as deserters once a search had been made and no sign of them had been found. "Death to All Red Devils" had been painted in red on the wall of one building, along with a longer tract of Parhooni written in the Samisat alphabet4, urging the Martians of the garrison to cast off their allegiance to the Earthmen and to rise up and reclaim their heritage.

The heroes were just beginning to think the crisis was over, when there was a cry from the armoury. A bomb had been found, and the timer was running!

Wilhelm took a look and felt he was up to the task of saving the fort. Forsyth lent his own expertise to the desperate business of defusing the infernal device, and working together Wilhelm and Forsyth were indeed able to remove the timer and detonator from the bomb, discovering that part of the improvised mechanism was a piece of a woman's bracelet.

Meanwhile, ill feelings were running high in the courtyard, with the human soldiery accusing the Martians of treachery. The Martians, insulted beyond all measure by this baseless accusation were also in a foment. Hartwell decided to intervene and placed himself between two of the loudest groups, whereupon he was immediately attacked by multiple assailants. Showing no fear, Hartwell battled bravely against overwhelming odds but was eventually laid low by several haymakers to the noggin.

Forsyth emerged from his work with Wilhelm to discover this new problem, and when his commands were ignored he fired his pistol into the air and demanded the garrison come to order.

Hartwell was taken to the infirmary, unconscious, bruised but not seriously hurt. Forsyth had the NCOs organize various work details and a patrol of equal parts Human and Martian soldiery, then retired.

Wilhelm interviewed the extremely angry Miss Carter-Lloyd and discovered the fragment of jewelry he had recovered from the bomb was last seen by Miss Carter-Lloyd on the wrist of the woman who had rescued her from her vile captivity6 only to abandon her on the Steppes.

Two days were spent recovering from fist-fighting, long walks under the night skies of Mars, midnight bomb emplacement, slightly-after-midnight bomb defusing, putting the fort back in some sort of order (though feelings between the two races are running ruinously high as I type) and so forth, after which our heroes visited the crater once more, by night. They found the crater now had a new fissure running into the camp, or rather, the bare ruins of some small part of the camp that was not swallowed by the conflagration, and the forces of Shastapsh decamped, or deceased. There were so many body parts lying around, and the sound of night scavenging animals feeding on the remains, stilled at the sound of the party's approach, resumed to add the final macabre touch to this sickening scene. Of the kite, there was no sign.

Making their way back to Fort McMurray, lost in thought, the party was ambushed by a band of murderous Steppe Martians. The fighting was fierce and to the last man in the case of the Martian tribesmen, and both Hartwell and Wilhelm sustained wounds before it was over. Luckily, the professor had thought to bring along his miraculous healing mask, and with some admittedly disturbing green glowing and outgassing, the wounds were closed as if they had never been. Another triumph for Professor Wilhelm's command of the art of science!

The bodies were examined and proved to bear the usual tribal tattoos identifying these blackguards as belonging to whatever band of murderous thugs they called their own. Forsyth was particularly careful to check for signs of Brotherhood7 tattoos, and was somewhat relieved to not find them.

And so it was that Forsyth, Hartwell and Wilhelm staggered back into Fort McMurray and fell into their beds only an hour before dawn.

  1. See Episode 47
  2. as related in Episode 46
  3. A ball of green lightning surrounds whatever is being teleported
  4. The alphabetic glyphic writing most often used in the cities of Syrtis Lapis5
  5. An addition of my own to the world of Mars in Space 1889, not found in any of the source materials I have
  6. As related in Episode 45
  7. of Luxor, do keep up old boy!