Martian Climate
Mars is a dying world, slowly dehydrating from its original water-rich state over the thousands of years in which Martian civilization has existed. Mars was once covered in seas, and the Martians commanded a technology level Earth has yet to achieve when the leading Earth civilizations were still in the Bronze Age. It never rains on Mars. The water sources from the poles in "summer", where it freezes out during "winter". The water evaporates from the canals and is carried back to the poles on the prevailing winds.
Martian Canals
In the setting the canals of Mars come in three types:
Grand Canals
These canals are about a mile wide, contain water which varies in level by season (they are currently full almost to the brim), and are a major navigation route where they run. Grand Canals also act as major irrigation sources and provide a green belt along their water-bearing length. The network of Grand Canals was once much wider than it is today. Like everything on Mars, they are falling slowly into decay.
Petty Canals
These smaller canals are also water-bearing and serve as navigation routes and irrigation sources. These canals are sized about the same as their Terran counterparts.
Dead Canals
These canals no longer have open water in them, being silted up and full of drifted desert sand. They do, however, often hide subarean* water, support sheltered areas of vegetation and can be used as perfectly good roads through the desert.
Martians come in three general types:
Canal Martians
Canal Martians are typically between six feet and six-foot six-inches tall. They have fine dark hair and pale ocher skin. Their ears are big and somewhat pointed and their hands have three fingers and opposable thumbs. They have only three toes. Princess Aramaranda and Kalamir are Canal Martians as are the soldiers from Shastapsh.
Steppe or Hill Martians
Steppe Martians, such as the Martians who ambushed the Earthmen, are of smaller stature than Canal Martians. Steppe Martians
have fanned pointed ears similar to those of the High Martians, and a fair but darker ocher complexion that is more golden brown than Ochre. Steppe and Hill Martians live a more tribal life than the "more civilized" Canal Martians.
High Martians
High Martians are reportedly savage, of more primitive appearance than other Martian races and they are said to be able to fly. We have not met High Martians. Yet.
Mars' big surprise, the wood of the liftwood tree is buoyant and can be used to build aerial ships. Such ships have plied the Martian skies for thousands of years. Liftwood is also used in Aetherships, to allow them to take off and land on planets. Buoyancy is achieved by mounting slats or planks of liftwood in a frame reminiscent of a Venetian blind. Tilting the slats with respect to the ground alters the amount of lift experienced by the vessel the frame is attached to. The task of adjusting the liftwood is performed by the Trimsman. Lack of a trimsman of sufficient skill was a significant factor in the wreck of HMS Glorious Dawn in Episode 2.
* - subarean: under the Martian soil. cf subterranean.
Sources: Space 1889 (GDW), Space 1889:Red Sands (PEG), The Campaign in Progress. Copyright is held by individual publishers. No challenge is intended.
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