When the date arrived, Lord Arapiranth's kite appeared and the heroes, accompanied by various observers, boarded. There they saw for the first time that Lord Arapiranth had elected to use proxies for this duel (as was his right). Three black-garbed characters of sinister and familiar aspect skulked on he main deck. Were hey former Brotherhood assassins as heir garb suggested? Perhaps our heroes would have a chance to find out.
The kite sailed for a remote area of steppe and broken ground, and each party was dropped off in a chosen location kept secret from their opponents.
Wilhelm allowed Forsyth to pick the manner of their tactical deployment, which was a small clearing guarded on three sides by rock outcroppings giving cover. Forsyth signaled for a silent wait with heightened vigilance. Each hero took one sector of ground to cover, and their long, tedious watch began.
It wasn't long before certain sounds made Wilhelm aware that their opponents were using Weird Science devices - and Wilhelm feared the most likely conclusion (given their situation) was some sort of invisibility device!
If these d____d Martian bounders were not only trained assassins, but capable of attacks while invisible they were in a situation that wouldn't do at all.
Unfortunately, it was soon after this realization that Hartwell broke silence and gave away heir position to the enemy, who quickly converged on our brave lads.
One stroke of good fortunes was that one Shadowy Figure had inordinate trouble with his various devices and so was easily spotted.
Another was that the keen eyes of Hartwell were up to the task of locating another, even though he was invisible.
Exchanges of fire took place, with the Shadowy Figures using bows and the stalwart Earthmen more modern longarms. Near misses and lucky hits on Sam Browne belts soon led to the suspicion that the Shadowy Figures were using poisoned arrows in addition to their unsporting technology. Clearly the gloves were off.
The fight was desperate at times, but by a combination of luck, skill and sheer British Pluck our heroes were able eventually to dispatch all their opponents, who upon quick examination bore no obvious Brotherhood tattoos.
They were picked up by the kite, and Lord Arapiranth delivered a formal declaration of apology, which meant that from a protocol standpoint the matter was at an end, and honour was satisfied.
No-one was under any illusions that this was an end to the gossip of Wilhelm's perfidy, or of Lord Arapiranth's enmity.
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