Monday, November 18, 2024


And so the SPace 1889 campaign caomes to a triumphant halt - for a while anyway.

As I explained to the players, though I am enbtranced still by the setting and by the Savage Worlds method of gaming inside it, I am now having trouble finding challenges for these uber-rich, legendary characters who really should have been retired long ago in order to concentrate on making massive changes in the world using their vast wealth and fame.

So the Space 1889 game is on indefinite hiatus as of the last session. We very well may come back to the setting, either as a Savage Worlds game or possibly using the wonderful Clockwork publications using the Ubiquity system.

To be honest I feel we never really "got into" what makes Space 1889 so special. No-one was really interested in inventing stuff (other than Wilhelm and his Weird Science devices that would have been possible in many other Savage Worlds settings) and the whole Fin-de-Siecle didn't really "take" with the players. Should we restart the game I will need to have figured out what I was doing wrong in the presentation of that aspect of the setting.

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.

I recommend the milieu to one and all.

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